Adam Globetrotter

Freelance Writer

I'm a freelance writer. Writing about different topics to make your life easier.

Those underwater shots of coral reefs and close-up action pictures of the kids on the water slide will not happen without a waterproof camera. You can buy the latest waterproof model, but there are other methods for protecting the camera you currently own from the destructive effects of water exposure.

You have finally bought that pool the kids have been bothering you for. It is a personal oasis from the hustle and bustle of your busy life. Now you need to keep it clean and enjoyable for you and your family's pleasure. Here is how to clean your swimming pool.

If you ever want your dream house to become a reality, all you need to do is make it out of clay. Easy and fun for both kids and adults, you can make a clay house that is as grand as a mansion or as simple as a shoe box. Making a clay house is a great rainy day activity. If the rain keeps up for days, you can even make a whole neighborhood....

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